Photo of the tombstone of Frank and Elizabeth Jones, Almeria Cemetery, Almeria, Nebraska.
Photo taken by Mary Russell Hollowell.
Frank F. Jones 1877-1951
Frank F. Jones was born in Sheridan County*, Missouri, December 11, 1877. He came to Nebraska in 1909 and lived on a farm near Comstock. In the spring of 1919 he came to Loup County and bought the place where he has since made his home.
He was married September 6, 1922, to Elizabeth Worth of Almeria. To this union were born two children, Mrs. Grace Ferguson of Brewster, and Gerald who lives at the home place.
During his youth he worked in the coal mines of Missouri. He always enjoyed a game of baseball. Skating, playing horseshoes, and many other games were of interest to him.
He was converted to the Christian faith in 1929 and had lived faithful to his belief. He often expressed his desire to see children being taught the Christian way in the Sunday Schools and Vacation Bible schools.
He passed away June 22, 1951, at the age of 73 years, 6 months, and 11 days. He was staying in Sargent where he was under the doctor's care at the time of this death.
He leaves to mourn his passing, his wife, Lizzie, his daughter, Grace Ferguson, his son, Gerald, three grandsons, and two grand-daughters, and many relatives and friends.
In the years he has lived in this community, his many neighbors have known him to be kind and helpful.
His patience during his illness endeared him to all who cared for him.
Among the relatives in attendance at the service were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jackson and Vesper of Alliance; Mrs. Rhoda Hulbert and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Garnis of Ansley; Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hulbert of Arcadia; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pernie and John of Weissert; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lambert of Sargent and George Lambert of Broken Bow; Mrs. Nellie Simon and Carol of Sargent; and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cone and Carole of Burwell.
~Source: Sargent Leader, undated clipping
*Probably Chariton County instead of Sheridan County.
Note: Alternate spellings for relatives' names: Rhoda Hurlburt, Henry Garniss, Leroy Hurlburt, Earl Pirnie;
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