Wish I had taken a picture of the stack of genealogy-related papers I decided to tackle this past weekend. It was at least a foot high and leaning dangerously. I whittled it down to a manageable 3 inches. I also cleaned out two totes full of family history stuff and filed it all, well, most of it. Feels more manageable now. So I haven't been researching, but getting things organized and knowing where things are is priceless. If only I had a dollar for every time I said to myself...Oh, I forgot I had that... or some variation thereof, I'd be able to buy, well, another file cabinet!
I hope to dive into another research project soon, the kind of diving-in that involves long periods of time without looking at the clock, my husband standing at the top of the stairs, asking if I'm going to feed him any time soon or have I abandoned him, my eyes squinting through the sandy feeling of tiredness to see just one more census image, just one more! But which ancestor will it be? I'm waiting to see which one speaks to me, which one presents the most intriguing mystery to be solved, which end-of-line ancestor finally wants to be found.
Amazing job on the filing! I hope to be that productive sometime soon with mine:-)